Out of the Ad Space

“Those who linger long in false reflections
run the risk of soul abandonment.” – Future proverb
Out of the ad space—today’s woman:
Flawless skin. Hair a curtain
shot to heaven in waves of synthetic color.
Angled, porcelain white cheeks, carmine blush,
gilded lashes, breasts robust and firm.
Thin-thighed Aphrodite. The pixels of her eyes
stream elite parties. A glamorous you.
Out of the ad space—today’s man:
Perfect 5 o’clock. Metrosexual stud hair
in waves of combat colors.
Chiseled, masculine face, tan skin,
winning smile, chest wide and strong.
Designer-jeaned Adonis. The pixels of his eyes
stream quixotic adventures. A gallant you.
Out of the ad space—today’s marketing:
Target everyone. Categorize customers
in waves of insecurity, vanity, fallow lives.
Scan pupils. Upload to optic nerves:
pricing, privacy, promise of PERFECTION.
Narcissus-headed Cerberus. The pixels of its eyes
stream fallen empires. An ersatz society.
