Newly Released Book of Failed Poems

My latest chapbook, A SACRIFICE TO KILOOLOOGUNG, has just been published in a pillar of smoke from my trusty wood-burning stove. It is not available in stores, at readings, or online. It is a very limited edition of zero copies.

Please join me in celebration of this new release as it dissipates into the winter sky forever! The next time you have a fire of your own, think of what might have been, and thank humble Kilooloogung* that its contents will never be known.

The end of a career? A new beginning? Time will tell.

* Kilooloogung is a small god of the hearth, and lord of arising smoke.


  1. I love this! Fire is so final, cleansing and purifying.
    And when we are truly present the smoke will tell us all we need to know.


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